FAQ PitFarm

Pitbull Community
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2021


Frequently Asked Questions Answered here!


Q: What is NFT farming?

A: NFT farming is where you can stake a certain token, for us it will be Cake-LP which consist off PIT-BNB combined together as liquidity which can be staked for points to redeem NFTs

Q: Is there a fee in staking or farming?

A: Staking and creating cake LP is considered as a transfer which incurs the 4% tokenomic fee on each transfer in-out

Q: What is points?

A: Points are just numbers in the system which can be used to redeem NFTs, it doesn’t have any special properties nor are they tokens.

Points used to redeem NFTs

Q: How do i farm?


Q: Why is there a minting fee?

A: It’s to pay for the gas fee required to mint the NFTs and portion of it goes towards the artist.

Q: Why am i getting errors when i try to redeem points?


A: There is a minting fee involved, you first require the minimum amount of BNBs required in order to redeem, make sure you have the amount before redeeming

Q: Why is it taking forever to load?

A: It might be because you’re not connected to Binance Smart Chain network.

Here’s a tutorial how to connect to the Binance Smart Chain on Metamask


Network Name: Smart Chain
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com

Q: Where is my NFTs?

A: it will be stored the section my wallet
If it doesn’t show add these following Collection Address
Pitbull Official NFTs:
Pitbull Collectibles Cards: 0xCFeBF54dAB9B0FaC4f91618a427E32FAc94DB52e

Q: Will my staking PIT get reflection rewards?

A: For staking PIT you wouldn’t get reflection rewards, however you do get reflection on LP tokens you hold and stake.

